3P Mobile – The first “P” is for Performance


This blog post shows you how easy it is now to measure Web performance on your Android Phone. All you need is our Mobile Browser (Sign up here – or just download the App).

Once it’s installed all you have to do is launch the app and navigate to a Web page. (This will give you a summary performance result – for the full set of results you will need to have signed up for the free Web service). Let’s step through some simple screen shots from the Android Emulator to see how it works.

Screen shot 1: Browser 2 is running, a Web page is loaded, and you can see from the red arrow at the top that the device is using GPS.



Screen shot 2: With Browser 2 running, simply click on the Menu key for a pop menu to appear. You’ll notice the “Performance” menu – click on that



Screen shot 3: Click on the Performance menu brings up the following display window. You can select either from the Options or Summary Tab. You know there’s a performance report available by checking in the top right hand corner for a “number”. 1 or higher indicates a report is available



Screen shot 4: Clicking on the “Summary” tab brings up the following screen. Here you can see a quick summary of the Mobile Performance report. To see the full report you will need to have an account at www.3pmobile.com (for more information click here)



Screen shot 5: Assuming you’ve signed up for the full account you will use the Performance Options tab to send the report to 3P Mobile.

You will then be able to see the full performance report including a real time map of where the test was ran. Below you can see the Emulator was set to Rosemead Avenue in Cape Town South Africa


And that’s all there is to it.

Now there’s an app for that – Mobile Performance measured in the palm of your hand.

Posted in: #mobile, #webperf, #wpo, Performance

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